Letter No 74 - Something somewhere

If I have the desire to make Enterprise the pioneer in developing an entrepreneurial mindset in the youth of India - I know we will do it.

If I have the faith in our team that we can be the pioneers and make impact in youth being work-life ready - I know we will do it.

If I am open to flow of life and the opportunities it brings in, who knows Enterprise might take a different shape and form as long as we stay true to empowering the youth to be ready for the entrepreneurial world - I know only good things will happen.

My newsletter is called Eat.Play.Love and sometimes I share some of my favourite recipes and some experiments with you guys. This time the recipe is very simple and requires very basic ingredients that we all have or can find :-)


  • Whatever that is in your life you desire, make an action plan to get there, and then find your source of faith. Mind you, faith is not what religion you follow, faith is what/who you believe in.
  • Then trust in the way of life and let it unfold for you - doesn’t mean you chill and just wait, do what you have to do to meet the desire with a lot of faith.
  • The last step is to accept that everything that is happening is leading you towards something.

Let’s take a real and a very recent example-
I have a friend who hasn’t taken a vacation for a while now. You can see she’s stretching herself. She desires to take a vacation but she hasn’t.

Yesterday I asked her why is she being so stubborn and really pushed her to take a vacation right away.

Ofcourse she didn’t.

She texted me last night sharing why she’s hesitating to go on a break. The reason that’s stopping her is a little personal so I won’t share it here.

She shared she desires to go on a nice vacation and switch off and hence she’s working towards resolving what’s stopping her. She’s mapped out what she has to do to be able to take that relaxing vacation.
When she shared the reason for not taking one, I did feel a little bad but not weak. Because she wasn’t victimising herself, she was sharing from a place of faith, faith in herself that she’ll make it happen. And beyond that she isn’t thinking of other obstructions that might arise later on, when she’s finally going on a vacation- because she knows it’ll work out.

Boiling desire, with spoonful or even multiple spoons of faith with essence of trust will never taste bad.

What I take back from her situation is that she has faith in herself, in the people in her life and in me to be able to share something personal.

I also learnt to let go and trust. I really care and it troubled me that what I felt she should do was not happening. But then I let go and trusted. Trusted her intelligence, and trusted life to lead the way. I learnt to accept. And it was beautiful. I felt at peace.

This new year instead of making goals and resolutions , make a list of your desires. For each of them outline what has led you not meet them already? Then for each of these write what you need to do to meet those desires.

Before you put your faith in a person, situation or entity - ask yourself for each "do I have faith in myself that I can meet this desire?"
If it’s a yes, keep it there. If it’s a no, strike it off and put it on your goals list. Achieving your goals I’ll cover in a different newsletter.

Then with the compressed list of desires, actionables and faith in yourself, get started with whatever you’ve written as action pointers. And if anything doesn’t go as planned, trust it’s leading you somewhere or to something better.

Don’t give up on your desires. They’re worth it. But also learn to open your heart to where life takes you. It’s a beautiful contradiction. But within it lies the mystery of life (I enjoyed saying that ;-))