Letter No 78 - What the....perfect?

In ancient Greece, there lived a sculptor named Pygmalion. He was a master of his craft and was known for creating the most lifelike and beautiful sculptures in all the land. Despite his success, Pygmalion was never satisfied with his work and always sought to create something even more perfect.

One day, he set out to create the most perfect sculpture he had ever made. He worked tirelessly, pouring all of his heart and soul into the piece. When he was finished, he stepped back to admire his creation, and what he saw left him speechless. The statue was a stunning representation of a woman, with flawless features, a perfect body, and a peaceful expression. Pygmalion was so enamored with the statue that he fell in love with it.

However, as much as he loved the statue, Pygmalion realized that it was still just a piece of art, and that it was missing something that only a living, breathing person could bring. He wished for the statue to come to life and be his perfect companion.

To his amazement, his wish was granted, and the statue came to life. The woman was every bit as perfect as her statue had been, and Pygmalion was overjoyed. They were married, and Pygmalion thought he had finally found the perfect life partner.

However, as time went by, Pygmalion began to realize that the woman was not as perfect as he had first thought. She had her own thoughts, feelings, and opinions, and sometimes they disagreed. Pygmalion was shocked to find that the woman was far from perfect and that her imperfections made her even more beautiful to him.

In the end, Pygmalion learned that true beauty lies in imperfection and that there is no such thing as a perfect person. He came to appreciate the flaws and quirks that made his wife unique and loved her all the more for them. The couple lived happily ever after, recognizing that their love was imperfect but all the more beautiful because of it.

And so, the story of Pygmalion has been told and retold throughout the centuries, as a reminder that true beauty lies in imperfection and that perfection is nothing but an illusion.


The truth is we all seek beauty in different spaces - an artist like my mom sees beauty in scraps, trash and broken materials she can make art from, a mentor like myself sees beauty in mentees who are willing to seek for help and are hungry to learn, my musician friend finds beauty in anything that can rustle and whistle and make him tap his feet, parents find beauty in their children no matter how twisted their nose is, how bruised their knees are, how different they might look - beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

But where there’s beauty, there’s also an expectation to find perfection. On a daily basis too we seek perfection- in our relationships, at work, in colleagues and in the world around us.

I am a huge proponent of quantity over quality which is the total opposite of what one should do when seeking perfection- focusing on quality and perfecting one thing at a time. In fact I encourage everyone, my friends, mentees, people I care about and all the students I interact with to focus on building a body a work - with quantity over quality. Your body of work should not be dominated by everything you’ve done perfectly overtime, but with wrinkled, messed up, half done projects too. Because every little thing you’ve tried your hands on becomes a part of your experience no matter how it was - perfect, imperfect or totally trash.

Every time we focus on only adding experiences, situations and things to our story to make it sound, look and seem perfect, we miss out on a lot of genuine raw elements of it. Every little task you take up, do not try to make it perfect. Just do it, and let it take shape and form in the best way you can, not in the most perfect way.

The problem is the pursuit of perfection can prevent us from taking risks and trying new things. We may be afraid of making mistakes or not meeting our own high standards, so we avoid taking action. This can stifle our growth and limit our potential.


Perfection is a myth that has been deeply ingrained in our minds. We are often told that perfection is attainable, but in reality, it is nothing but an illusion. Perfection is an unrealistic standard that is impossible to reach and can lead to endless frustration, stress, and disappointment.

Perfection sets us up for failure because so often it is an unattainable goal..

It's important to recognize that perfection is not a requirement for success or happiness. In fact, embracing our imperfections and recognizing that they are part of what makes us unique can help us lead more fulfilling lives.

Instead of striving for perfection, we should aim for progress and growth. We can focus on doing our best in each moment and accepting that there will always be room for improvement. This allows us to embrace the journey and appreciate the process, rather than constantly fixating on the end result.

Reflect on these:

What perfection do I knowingly or unknowing seek?

How is it serving me?

Who would I be or what would I do if I could let go of this need for perfection for 1 year?

Would love to know your answers! Signing off

In fratitude (friendship + gratitude)
