A four letter word called 'Happiness'

I needed an instant dose of happiness. I was feeling heavy. My heart craved for lightness. The brightness of light, and the lightness of feeling bright. I had been looking around me, trying to find what makes some people spontaneous happy. Why do some people always seem cheerful, even when the worst happens to them. I looked into my own life. Here is what I discovered.

We were at a youth camp. A young friend of mine would be the first one to reach lunch area. He would pour water for everyone and then stand behind the counters to serve all his friends. He taught me this. Pull a chair, pour a glass of water, open the door, carry their bags, press their head, or even get their favourite food. Make someone feel special. It creates instant happiness.

I learnt this on my business travels with my mama Rajiv Agarwal . Wherever he goes, he strikes up a conversation with a watchman, a waiter, a driver, or just a passerby. He shows genuine interest, he makes them laugh, and every time, he makes a new friend. Simple things can make us happy - a bird flying by, the colour of the leaves, a child’s laughter, the magic of sunset, a good workout, a warm hug, a chat with a stranger, or even finding a parking instantly on a busy street! They all create a sense of wonder in me. It doesn't cost money. Yet, instant happiness is guaranteed.

My mother Ruby Jhunjhunwala is my inpiration. I have seen her work at her studio since the time I can remember. Work is her religion. She loves her work and it makes her happy. At the age of 67, she is still at it, and I believe is creating the best art of her entire life. Hence, study a chapter, write a piece, sweep the floor, fold your own clothes, or better still, wash them, get your homework done, have an intense workout, or even complete an project well before time. Work is love. Love gives happiness. Hence work gives happiness.

Yup, this is a seemly misfit in the equation of happiness. But its not. My brother in law Jesh Krishna Murthy is a living example. Always setting new standards, never settling for 'ok', pushing oneself to be world class, makes all the difference. Jesh's firm Anibrain has worked on visual effects for 155+ Hollywood movies, sitting right here in Pune, India. So, do more reps in the gym than ever before, be more creative, meet inspiring people, dream of changing the world, or create something new. Shattering mental barriers keeps me feeling zesty!

Thanks to all the happy people in my life for teaching me this! Im certainly injecting myself with regular doses of SEWA!