Aditya Jhunjhunwala

Showing all posts tagged parenting:

I am a platform

When I think of the word ‘platform’, the image of a railway station comes to my mind. As a child I remember going to pick up incoming relatives from the Pune station. You had to buy Re.1 platform...

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Let me make my mistakes!

This was a regular grouse I had with my father. As any father would, he wanted the best for me. Whenever he could see that I am about to make a mistake, he would jump in and want to help me. Young...

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Please listen to my dreams!

One day, a young boy had a dream. He was sailing across the galaxy in a magical ship. It was a large boat with big sails that resembled the wings of an eagle. He sailed past planets of darkness...

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I need to be understood.

I asked my young friend, what do today’s youth need. After a few blinks, she replied, “I guess we need to be strong. We are too weak. If we take one something, and have a few failures, we just...

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When love destroys.

Our son Dhyann is 5 and he gets homework on Fridays. It was a Monday morning. Dhyann was doing his homework and eating breakfast. We were helping him where he got stuck. That's when it struck me....

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Thank you for noticing, Papa!

Today for the first time in 38 years, my father wrote me a personal email. It was a one line mail that started with the words “Compliments, Congratulations and Kudos…". As I read the words that...

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