Letter No 41 - Feeling overwhelmed
Dear friend, I call this letter 'Eat. Play. Love' and I've hardly shared any recipes with you. This letter changes that! But first... Sometimes life is overwhelming. Too much to do. Too much...
Dear friend, I call this letter 'Eat. Play. Love' and I've hardly shared any recipes with you. This letter changes that! But first... Sometimes life is overwhelming. Too much to do. Too much...
Dear friend, I asked my friend 'How are you feeling?' 'I am not feeling anything' came the answer. Did you ever feel that way? Haha, what a conundrum - did you ever feel that you are not feeling...
Dear friend, All my life I was camera shy. I always felt that I photographed really badly. I used to curse my fate. Why does God have to be so unfair. I had friends and cousins who always looked...
Dear friend, I have so many beautiful people in my life. I am deeply grateful for each one of them. But, when it comes to how much time and energy I can give, it is impossible for me to distribute...
Dear friend, Earlier this week, one of the student 'partner's at Enterprise India Fellowship asked me this question - 'How can I build a rapport with successful people?' For the sake of this...
Dear Friend, Yesterday I conducted a workshop called 'TRANSFORM' with a group of college students and entrepreneurship enthusiasts. I asked them to fill in the blank in this statement - "I would...
Dear friend, I have a problem of overeating. Food gives me pleasure. Often, my stomach is full, but I still want to receive more pleasure, and so I keep eating. Have you ever experienced something...
Dear friend, The new year has already begun. There are many video's and email floating around why we should make resolutions and even more about why we SHOULD NOT make resolutions. Whatever be...
Hi! I speak to so many young college students and also young entrepreneurs every week. It's a beautiful opportunity for me to also reflect on my own life and my own youth. I learn a lot about...
I love flowers. I love looking at them, smelling them, clicking photos of them, and I love painting them. My grandmother used to pick flowers that had fallen on the ground in the early morning and...
Hi! I used to take time on Sunday evening to plan out the rest of my week. I've lost that practise over the years. Recently I met a friend who is just starting out his career and he was showing me...
Hi there! I've been thinking lately about this idea called 'transformation'. We all know about how the caterpillar transforms and becomes a butterfly. There is simply no resemblance between a...
When we were kids, we used to remove all the gunpowder from the Diwali crackers. Once there was a nice little pile of the silvery stuff, we would do all kinds of experiments with it. Light it with...
Shit stinks. Vomit is disgusting. Looking at mucus makes you vomit. Everything that goes out of our body, makes us gross out. So much so, that we just don’t want to look at it. ------- Dear...
Dear friend, I missed last week's letter. I missed writing to you and hearing back from you. But, I'm not beating myself over it. I'm not allowing my self-talk to be like 'you are such a loser...
Hi friend, I have always been a hyperactive person. It’s tough for me to sit still. I need to read, do, watch, think, learn, draw, run, listen, cook, or… eat! When I got to know my wife better...
Hey there... This letter is called 'Eat. Play. Love'. We've done a lot of love and play. Let's do some eat this time. I want to share a recipe for you to try. Being mesmerised by the sight of...
Hi friend, Making goals is great. Yet, something about goals is fishy. I don't know about you but enough of the goals I have set in my life have not exactly worked out. Not that I don't believe in...
Hi friend, "I need affection from you. Can you just put your hands on my head and give me your touch." There. I had said it. It took all my courage to say these two sentences. But I did. Instantly...
Hi friend, Today, it is the ultimate insult - 'boooorrrrrinng!' Boredom is a killer. And being boring is the worst social status one can have. I sometimes feel bogged down by routine - doing the...
Want to improve self-awareness? Don't ask why, ask what. Research by Tasha Eurich reveals that introspection is not that easy. We do it wrong. People who introspect a lot, often end up being less...
Hi friends, I was running 21 kilometres for the first-ever. There were thousands' participating in the Pune half marathon. An old historical bridge at the centre of the city was the starting...
I was supposed to reach for lunch. I had called half an hour ago and said that it would take me 30 to 40 minutes. Road sense is not one of my biggest strengths, I have to admit. I took a wrong...
Dear friend, Are you aware of the concept of reverse engineering? The idea is simple, to begin with the end - to take an existing part or design, and then work backwards to figure out how it...
Dear friend, In seventh grade, I made friends with a 'new boy' who had joined our school just that year. His family was half Indian and half German. At that time, this was quite rare and I would...
Hey there, Good to see you back, and if this is the first of my letters you are reading, good to have you here. As a coach I often get asked questions like these: Should I do an MBA? What career...
The first and only time I got stung by a jellyfish was at Pondicherry beach. I must have been 10 or 11 and our parents had taken us for a holiday. Those days our family was in startup phase. My...
"How does Hen determine which is most beautiful cock?" wondered Darwin as early as in his thirties. How do females of different animal species attract and select which male to mate with? This is a...
Hi there, I met my wife Aarti at a discotheque. I was 23 and she was 19. The entire evening I stole glances at her dancing on the floor. Urged my a very good friend who knows me well, I finally...
Our mode of transport to go to school and back was rickshaw. It seemed that there would be almost a hundred of us kids stuffed into one tiny rickshaw. Our rickshaw driver 'uncle' was an...
Hi! We are experiencing a long period of exaggerated uncertainty. When will work / college go back to normal? When can I go out and once again meet my friends and family? When will I be able to...
I was in my third year of engineering college. The university had recently launched the 'sandwich' program. No, it wasn't about the design of structurally sound sandwiches! What it meant was that...